Fall 2012 Supply List

Kindergarten:                1 school box (8” x 5” is ideal) 1 bottle of white school glue (not marked with name) 4 large glue sticks (not marked with name) 4 #2 yellow wooden pencils (not marked with name) 1 box of 24-count Crayola brand crayons 1 pair Fiskars brand scissors 1 pink eraser 1 pocket […]

Science Fair

The CWPSA Science Fair will be held Thursday, March 22nd at 7:00 p.m.  During this grand inquiry into the truths of science, kindergarten students will perform a skit for the participants and spectators about the scientific method.  1st through 6th grade students will exhibit a tri-fold board  and reproduce the experiment for guests of the evening.  Although each class […]

Red Cross Donation

Concerned for families affected by the recent tornadoes, the Curtis Wilson Primary School and Academy Student Council sprang into action.  The council organized a collection that rewarded students with an out of uniform day and a shamrock to display when they donated a minimum of $5 to the cause.  Council member, Sophie Hood, presented Brendan […]

Student Council Co-Presidents Elected!

Congratulations to the new CWPSA Student Council Co-Presidents.  For the first time ever, our elections resulted in a tie!  We are delighted that Brandon and Sydney will lead our team of student citizens as they share their ideas and vision with each other and the principal to promote school-wide activities and community projects.

Student Council Unveils New Mascot

The CWPSA Student Council recently unveiled our new school mascot, the Soaring Eagle!  The eagle was chosen as a symbol for the school because it is majestic, strong, focused, determined, resourceful, has great endurance, practices renewal, and is faithful.    

Rewarding all Super Sleuths!

  A sleuth is a detective who follows a trail.  We are happy you exercised your best brain power and followed the trail to the new CWPSA website!  As a reward for your investigative prowess, CWPSA students may enjoy an out of uniform day on Monday, August 22nd.  Keep visiting our website for announcements, information, and an […]

World of Possibilities International Fair

At the World of Possibilities International Fair, Curtis Wilson Primary School and Academy students and families will enjoy an evening learning about the world community.  Our kindergarten will open the night with a musical performance, the primary grades will present on various states, and the intermediate grades will introduce different countries.  Students have prepared tri-fold display boards, collected cultural items, designed traditional costumes, […]

Spring Standardized Testing

CWPSA 1st-6th grade students will participate in Terra Nova (1st and 2nd grades) and ISTEP+ (3rd-6th grade) standaradized testing this spring.  Please help your child be test-ready by ensuring plenty of sleep, a healthy breakfast, and a confident approach!  Prompt and perfect attendance the weeks of testing will simplify the process.

Fall Family Hayride and Picnic

On Friday September 30th, the CWPSA family will be celebrating the new fall season with an evening hayride and pitch-in picnic for all students and their immediate families.  So that the appropriate amount of food can be purchased and prepared, families are asked to register in advance.  See an administrator for details.  Hope to see you there! […]

Weather Closing – February 5th

Due to severe winter weather, CWPSA will NOT have proper class on Wednesday, February 5th.  So that we can plan for adequate staffing, please send an e-mail indicating if your student will attend for child care.  Stay safe!  

Fall Registration Open House

Curtis Wilson Primary School and Academy will host an open house for the 2014-2015 school year on Thursday, February 6th from 4:00-6:00 p.m.  Our staff and administration is eager to share the educational philosophy, approach to instruction, teaching materials, student accomplishments, and vision for the upcoming school year at Curtis Wilson Primary School and Academy.  If […]

Vote November 6th!

We would like to take the opportunity to encourage our families and friends to give much thought, prayer, and consideration for our United States of America.  We believe it is imperative for our children’s future that we uphold the Constitution and honor the intentions of the Founding Fathers to provide for life, liberty, and the […]


Curtis Wilson Primary School and Academy is now accepting enrollment applications for the 2013-2014 school year.  If interested in learning more about our programs, we invite you to contact our principal, Heidi Dowell. We would be delighted to schedule a personal tour and introduce you to our Curtis Wilson Primary School and Academy family!