Artwork Featured at Southport Library
This month Curtis Wilson Primary School and Academy got the privilege of decorating the main bulletin board at the Southport Library. The artwork showcases some of the artistic talent of our students. If you’d like to stop by and see it for yourselves, visit the Southport Library at 2630 East Stop 11 Road, Indianapolis. Registered families can enjoy more student […]
Pacers “Read Like a Pro” Visits CWPSA!
l Curtis Wilson Primary School and Academy students enjoyed the Pacers “Read Like a Pro” program during a visit this week. All star community members introduced our kiddos to some awesome books and animated reading. The highlight of the morning was spirited time with Boomer and his silly antics. Thanks to the Pacer organization […]
Canned Food Drive
Friday is the last day to donate canned foods for local families in need. l l BTHCCD families should place their cans in the boxes on the stage in the atrium. CWPSA children should place their cans in the boxes provided in each classroom.
Anthony Black Wins Poetry Contest!
During a recent school assembly, Curtis Wilson Primary School and Academy 3rd grader Anthony Black was named the first place winner in the Nowak Poetry Inspire! Writing Contest. Anthony’s poem entitled Don’t Give Up! will be published in a soon to be released book of poems, Taking Our Lives Back! The school congratulates Anthony’s writing ability and faithful heart! […]
Fall Family Hayride
Who: CWPSA Students and Families What: Picnic and Hayride When: Friday, October 3rd (6:45-9:15 p.m.) Where: Southeastway Park How: Submit Registration Form
Student Council President Elected!
During the week of September 8th, Curtis Wilson Primary School and Academy students enjoyed learning about and participating in the election process. Sixth grade students announced their candidacy to kick off the campaign by giving a speech during an all school assembly. Each nominee created posters, flyers, and promotional items to share with the student body while taking […]
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Raises $1200
Curtis Wilson Primary School and Academy Principal, Heidi Dowell, dumped a bucket of ice water over her head during a school assembly this week. Once the cheering stopped, students learned a bit about Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). Mrs. Dowell explained scientists and doctors are working hard to find a cure for the disease. She […]
Fall 2014 Supply List
Kindergarten: 1 school box (8” x 5” is ideal) 1 bottle of white school glue (not marked with name) 4 large glue sticks (not marked with name) 5 #2 yellow wooden pencils (not marked with name) 1 closed pencil sharpener 1 box of 24-count Crayola brand crayons 1 pair Fiskars brand scissors 2 pink erasers 3 pocket […]
Science Fair
l Curtis Wilson Primary School and Academy Students will participate in a Science Fair on April 24th. During this grand inquiry into the truths of science, the kindergarten students will learn the scientific method while conducting experiments in class. At the science fair, they will dress up and perform for the participants and spectators. The […]
Read Around The Clock
Curtis Wilson Primary School and Academy students enjoyed an around the clock reading extravaganza February 21st into February 22nd! Teachers kicked off the evening with a silly play based on the book “The Legend of Rock, Paper, Scissors.” The program’s rotations included games, crafts, snacks, and language activities based on favorite books. A grand time was had […]
Kicking it Up with Blue!
Curtis Wilson Primary School and Academy students enjoyed an awesome visit from the Colt’s Blue on Friday. He delighted our students with loads of dancing, music, games, jokes, and tips on great living. Blue encouraged our students to keep kicking it up outside with physical activity, kicking all bullying out of schools, and to continue kicking it up in the classroom with dedication to work […]
Our uniform supplier is Schoolbelles. All uniform items must come from this supplier to ensure likeness of style, color, and logo. The below listed items can be ordered to comply with our school uniform policy – some are required while others are optional. Please note that colors are specified and may not be substituted. * […]
Used Uniform Sale
Who: Those wishing to buy or sell used CWPSA uniforms for the 2013-2014 school year. When: Tuesday, May 28th (4:00-6:00 p.m.) Where: CWPSA Room 15 How: If you are selling, all uniforms must be brought to the center on the morning of Tuesday, May 28th. Please do not bring uniforms any earlier […]
International Fair
* The CWPSA International Fair will be held Thursday, April 18th at 7:00 p.m. During our amazing trip across the nation and around the world, students and their guests will celebrate the diversity and culture of our global community. Kindergarten students will be dressing in costume and delighting us with songs. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade students will impress us […]
New Menu Introduced
Curtis Wilson Primary School and Academy is pleased to introduce a new and updated menu that includes healthy changes to our breakfast, lunch, and snack rotation. We are including more fresh fruits, afternoon protein, fewer sweets, and water served as the drink (for some afternoon snacks).