Happy 100th Day of School!
Happy 100th Day of School! CWPSA students celebrated the 100th day of school by hunting 100 Hershey Kisses, putting together 100 piece puzzles, and playing a 100 Tallies Dice Game. We are now officially 100 days smarter than we were at the beginning of the year! l
Spirit Meters Fully Charged!
lllllll l The Spirit Meter was fully charged at CWPSA today as our intermediate classes hosted an Elf-themed party complete with costumes, holiday games, and yummy snacks. Congratulations to Rhiannon and Evan on being named King and Queen of the party! l lll lll
Music Recital
Curtis Wilson Primary School and Academy students performed in a music recital on Sunday to a packed house. The audience enjoyed sounds of the violin, piano, and our Pop Choir. We congratulate our young musicians and their teacher – Miss “S” for an awesome job! l llllllll
Friendship Soup and Salad
The Beech Tree House Center for Child Development and Curtis Wilson Primary School and Academy family shared a yummy “Friendship Soup and Salad” lunch to celebrate Thanksgiving. Students from our Kindergarten class performed holiday songs, children decorated the tables with festive artwork, and most donned donned headwear. We wish everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving! […]
Early America Days
llllllll l l l Students at Curtis Wilson Primary School and Academy enjoyed an active day of crafting and food preparation as part of our Early America Days this week. We extend a special thanks to our parent helpers and wish all families a safe and happy Thanksgiving! l l
Veterans Day Presentation
On this Veterans Day we honor and thank all military personnel who have or are serving the United States. Today, CWPSA students had an awesome convocation with one of our favorite soldiers – Major Jeff Kirkpatrick. Thanks for sharing the morning with us! l lllllllllllll
Earthquake Drill
l Curtis Wilson Primary School and Academy participated in the Great Central U.S. Shake Out – an earthquake drill. Each class was instructed that in the event of an earthquake, they were to drop to the ground, cover as much of their body as possible (especially heads and necks), and hold on until […]
Conner Prairie Visit
Our first grade class recently enjoyed a trip to Conner Prairie! Students got to visit and interact with the people, animals, objects, and routines of life in Central Indiana in 1836. A special thanks to the folks at Prairietown and our awesome parent chaperones! lllllllllllll l lllllllllllll l lllllllllllll […]
The Life Cycle of a Frog
lllllll l lllllll Do you know . . . A frog is an amphibian (it can live both on land and in water) which lays its eggs in water. The eggs hatch into a tadpole and lives in water until it metamorphoses into an adult frog. Tadpoles look more like fish than frogs, they […]
Space Exploration
CWPSA 5th and 6th grade students enjoyed an out of this world experience as they travelled to Kennedy Space Center in Florida. In addition to touring NASA, students spent a day with a marine biologist, visited the Barrier Island Sanctuary, and swam with manatee in the tidal pool at Sebastian Inlet. Not surprisingly, the fieldtrip was […]
CWPSA 2014-2015 Report Card
Ancient Rome Study
Each year our awesome art teacher, Mrs. Kelly Lynn, builds lessons around a theme. This year, that theme is Art History. Mrs. Lynn incorporates activities using various mediums that appeal to both the creative hands-on personality and the intellectually curious. During the first semester, Curtis Wilson Primary School and Academy students learned about Ancient Rome – including cleaning and examining […]
Flat Stanley Visits Tony Stewart
This month our Curtis Wilson Primary School and Academy (CWPSA) second grade students enjoyed reading Flat Stanley written by Jeff Brown. The story is about Stanley Lambchop who wakes up only a half inch thick after a bulletin board fell on him during the night! Stanley’s adventures when he gets mailed have inspired one of the most loved literacy projects of this […]
Daisy Girl Scouts
The Daisy Girl Scouts enjoyed their first meeting this week. We learned the Girl Scout Promise, made a craft, played a game, sang a new song, started a scrapbook, and shared a snack. Being a Girl Scout is going to be fun and will help us become better people!
Family Halloween Party
The annual family Halloween Party will be held Thursday, October 29th at 7:00 p.m. This year’s theme is “Brown Bear Brown Bear Visits the Pumpkin Patch!” All Curtis Wilson Primary School and Academy students and their families are invited to join us for an evening of clever costumes, trick-or-treating the teachers, themed games, and fun with the […]