Genetics and DNA
CWPSA students enjoyed an awesome presentation on genetics and DNA today. The class learned about dominate and recessive genes, extracted DNA from fruit, and created a double helix model of a DNA molecule. We extend a big thank you to Jennifer Leohr for spending her morning with us!
Principal Honors Bell Ringer

The 2019-2020 school year got off to a great start with our annual “Ringing of the Bell” celebration. Seth Kirkpatrick was selected as the bell ringer for the festivities. He earned the Principal’s Honor for his joyful spirit, kind heart, helpful disposition, and leadership. We are proud of Seth and all Curtis Wilson Primary School […]
Fall 2019 Supply List
l Supply List – 2019
Back to School Night
CWPSA parents are asked to mark their calendars for an event that will take place on Thursday, August 1st at 7:00 p.m. This will be a formal “Back to School” meeting where parents will be able visit with teachers and learn more about expectations for the 2019 – 2020 school year. The evening is reserved only for adults. Please […]
Awards Picnic in the Park
The CWPSA family celebrated another awesome year with our annual Awards Picnic in the Park. Congratulations to our students on their outstanding citizenship, work ethic, academic performance, and commitment to personal excellence this year!
Congratulations Graduates!
Q4 Citizenship Winners Recognized
At a recent school assembly, Curtis Wilson Primary School and Academy students were honored with the 4th Quarter Outstanding Citizenship Award. Behavior standards are based on the “What would Jesus do?” theme and the Citizenship Award is earned by the student from each classroom who has displayed the most exemplary behavior and attitude during the quarter. […]
Spring Trip
Our 5th and 6th grade students had an awesome trip to Florida last week. The class visited Epcot, participated in an International Fair at St. Joseph School, met with a marine biologist on the coast, swam in a tidal pool, enjoyed a presentation from Southwest Airlines, and tried some of the local outdoor eateries. Thanks […]
Spring Music Recital
Curtis Wilson Primary School and Academy students performed for their classmates and parents during a Spring Music Recital on Monday. Each young musician played a classical piece to open the concert followed by one they composed and named on their own. Thanks for the great kick off to Easter week festivities!
Q3 Citizenship Winners Recognized
At a recent school assembly, Curtis Wilson Primary School and Academy students were honored with the 3rd Quarter Outstanding Citizenship Award. Behavior standards are based on the “What would Jesus do?” theme and the Citizenship Award is earned by the student from each classroom who has displayed the most exemplary behavior and attitude during the quarter. […]
International Fair
lllllllllllll l CWPSA students hosted an International Fair for parents, extended family, and members of the community. During the celebration of diversity and culture, our kindergarteners dressed in traditional costumes from around the world and delighted guests with songs. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade students impressed with facts and findings about the 50 United States. Students from 4th, 5th, and 6th […]
Curtis Wilson Named Four Star School
We are proud to announce Curtis Wilson Primary School and Academy has again been named a Four Star School by The Indiana Department of Education. “Receiving designation as a Four Star School reflects academic excellence among students, educators, and the administration,” said Dr. Jennifer McCormick, Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction. “I am honored to recognize […]
Skating Party
CWPSA students and their families are invited to our annual skating party on Thursday, April 11th from 6:15-8:15 p.m. at Franklin Skate Club (2680 North Morton, Franklin). The cost is $3.00 per person. Skates can be rented for $2.00. We hope all CWPSA Soaring Eagles and their families join in the fun!
Read Around the Clock
Curtis Wilson Primary School and Academy Students were treated to an awesome Read Around the Clock event over the weekend. We kicked off the evening with “The Ninjabread Man” (C.J. Leigh) play put on by our very own teaching staff. Students enjoyed games, crafts, and snacks based on a special selection of books followed by […]
Pizza & Pentathlon Family Night
CWPSA children and their families enjoyed an wonderful evening of fellowship and strategic game play with mom and dad during Pizza & Pentathlon Family Game Night this week. Math Pentathlons are interactive motivational games that strengthen basic math concepts and skills, align with National and State Mathematics Standards, and stimulate creative thinking while developing problem-solving skills. We […]