Fall 2014 Supply List

Supplies yep



1 school box (8” x 5” is ideal)

1 bottle of white school glue (not marked with name)

4 large glue sticks (not marked with name)

5 #2 yellow wooden pencils (not marked with name)

1 closed pencil sharpener

1 box of 24-count Crayola brand crayons

1 pair Fiskars brand scissors

2 pink erasers

3 pocket folders

1 art smock

1 clipboard

1 book bag

1 ear buds for electronic devices



1st Grade:   

1 school box (8” x 5” is ideal)

1 box of 24-count Crayola brand crayons

1 box of thin classic colored markers

1 box of sharpened colored pencils

10 #2 yellow wooden pencils (not marked with name)

10 pencil top erasers

1 closed pencil sharpener

3 large pink erasers

5 pocket folders

2 pocket folder with 3-ring prongs

1 bottle of white school glue (not marked with name)

6 large glue sticks (not marked with name)

1 pair of Fiskars brand scissors

1 1-inch 3-ring binder

1 clipboard

1 book bag

1 ear buds for electronic devices



2nd Grade: 

1 school box (8” x 5” is ideal)

1 box of 24-count Crayola brand crayons

1 box of thin classic color markers

1 box of sharpened colored pencils

10 #2 yellow wooden pencils (not marked with name)

12 pencil-top erasers

1 closed pencil sharpener

1 pink eraser

5 pocket folders

1 bottle of white school glue (not marked with name)

2 large glue sticks (not marked with name)

1 pair of Fiskars brand scissors

1 yellow highlighter

1 1-inch 3-ring binder

1 clipboard

1 jump drive

1 book bag



3rd – 6th Grades:   

1 school box (8” x 5” is ideal) – 5th and 6th grades only

1 box of 24-count Crayola brand crayons

1 box of thin classic colored markers

1 box of sharpened colored pencils

24 #2 sharpened wooden pencils (no mechanical)

12 pencil-top erasers (no toy styles please)

4 packages of 3 X 5 white lined index cards

4 one subject spiral notebook

6 plastic pocket folders with binder holes (to put in a binder) – one each blue, yellow, green, purple, orange, and red

2 jumbo glue sticks

1 bottle liquid glue

3 packages of wide ruled loose-leaf paper

1 pair of Fiskars brand scissors

4 erasable blue ink pens

1 permanent marker

2 highlighters – different colors

1 1-inch 3-ring binder

1 jump drive (character drives do NOT fit into our computers)

1 calculator (scientific non-graphing)

1 book bag

3 sheets of large white poster board


CWPSA students are asked to have school supplies on the first day of school.


Clearly mark all items (each crayon, folder, etc.) with your child’s name.


Due to desk space, we ask that children do not use Trapper Keepers or other oversized binders.